April 23, 2022

Project Advance 2022 

How can I help?

Dear Parishioner,

The past two years have been a difficult time for many in the Archdiocese of Vancouver.  The coronavirus pandemic brought fear, uncertainty and sometimes division within our communities. Despite these challenges, our faith remains centred on the Lord who died and rose for us. 

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst” (Matthew 18:20).

These words from Jesus to the disciples who were about to carry out the task of proclaiming the Gospel offer a message of hope. They also remind us that the Lord is with us in the midst of our sufferings and trials. It is he who unites us and makes us the living stones of his Church.

As 2022 unfolds, let us pause to recall that together we are the one Body of Christ. Thanks to your support, Project Advance makes possible the many ministries and programs that bring us together, further our evangelizing mission, and build spaces for worship and learning.

That’s why today I am writing to you, a previous supporter of Project Advance at your parish, to ask for your generous support of the 2022 Project Advance Appeal: Gather Us, Lord.

Our Annual Appeal ensures and strengthens the Church’s mission and outreach. As always, once the goal for your parish is met, all additional funds raised will be directed back to your parish projects, which will be presented to you this Fall by your Pastor or Project Advance team.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration of my request.

Invoking the good Lord’s blessing upon you and your family during this Easter Season, I remain

Sincerely yours in the Risen Christ,

Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB

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